The Cloth FX system connects particles to the vertices of scene objects.

When the cloth particles are affected by modifiers, such as xpGravity or xpTurbulence, the object vertices follow along.

This can make objects fold, ripple, and even tear, like cloth.

xpCloth_Main Image_v01.png

Image to demonstrate the power of xpClothFX, here being used in conjunction with a selection of modifiers and dynamic objects.

The xpClothFX system comprises several objects and tags.

These are used in conjunction with other X-Particles tools, like emitters and modifiers, to set up and control cloth simulations.

You can find a detailed explanation of all of the ClothFX objects, commands and tags within the individual pages.

However, we advise that you gain an understanding of the ClothFX system, by first reading the user guide below.

ClothFX User Guide

