There are several elements required for a cloth simulation to work.

There are also optional elements that can be used for additional functionality and control.

The easiest way to ensure you have all of the correct elements to begin a simulation is to use the Create Cloth command.

This brings all of the necessary components into the Objects Manager and automatically sets them up ready for simulation.

However, to properly understand the system, the elements are individually explained below.


Create Cloth having being accessed, the ClothFX elements are all now visible in the Objects Manager.

Cloth FX Setup

1: Cloth Object

First, you need an object that you wish to become cloth.

This can be a Cinema 4D primitive (a Plane, for example) or a polygon object.

The advantage of using primitive objects is that you can adjust the polygon count at any time and they remain procedural.

Polygon objects offer more functionality within the cloth system, such as sticky controls and pinning.

A good general rule is to use low-poly primitives for fast-calculating draft scenes and use higher-poly objects for scenes requiring greater detail and complexity.