If there is no xpSystem object in the scene, one is created and all X-Particles objects are moved into it.
If there is an xpSystem object in the scene (or more than one) but no xpSystem object is selected, a new one is created and all X-Particles objects not already in an existing xpSystem object are moved into it.
If there is an xpSystem object in the scene, and it is selected, all X-Particles objects not already in the xpSystem object are moved into it.
If there are more than one xpSystem objects in the scene, but only one is selected, all X-Particles objects not already in one of the xpSystem objects are moved into it.
Finally, if there are more than one xpSystem objects in the scene, and more than one of them is selected, a warning is shown asking you to select just one xpSystem object and use the command again.
Here, you can see a group of objects in the Objects Manager screen, prior to xpSystemSort being activated.
Simply go to the INSYDIUM menu and click on xpSystemSort, in the X-Particles tab.
The INSYDIUM menu, with xpSystemSort highlighted.
Immediately on clicking, an xpSystem appears in the Objects Manager, as in the image below.