The xpSplineGrowth deformer enables you to control the length of a spline, so you can grow or shrink a spline parametrically.

It can be used with the xpTrail object, to alter the trail length.

As with any deformer, the xpSplineGrowth object must be made a child object of the spline it is to control.

Object Properties


xpSplineGrowth menu settings.

Length Type

Set as Point-by-Point, by default, this menu has options to control how the length of the spline is managed.

The other options are: Whole Spline and Spline Section.


In this mode, the spline length extends (or shrinks) by removing points whose position along the spline fall outside the Length parameter.

The operation takes place from the start of the spline (or from the end if the Invert box is checked).


The Length value is 100%, displaying the full spline.


Here, the Length is reduced to 75%.

Whole Spline

This mode does the same as Point-by-Point mode, but interpolates between each point and the first point in the spline segment.

For many splines you won't see any difference between these modes, but in splines with sharp angles between the points the effect is quite different.

Spline Section