This object simulates collisions between particles. Collisions can be used for particle to particle interactions and to trigger effects like spawning.

Object Properties


xpPPCollisions Object tab menu settings.

Self Collisions

If enabled, particles will collide with other particles from the same emitter.


xpPPCollisions is disabled on the left and enabled on the right, where particle to particle collisions can be seen.

Bounce, Variation

The bounce controls the speed with which the particle will rebound from the object.

A bounce of 100% means that the speed after hitting the object is the same as before hitting it.

Friction, Variation

These settings add friction between the particle and colliding surface.

Friction will cause rolling particles to come to a halt.

The higher the setting, the more quickly they stop.

You can add some random variation to the amount of friction with the Variation setting.
