xpFragmenter performs two functions: it enables you to generate individual polygons from the faces of a polygon object used as an emitter source (which can give the appearance of a fragmenting object) or it can be used to move existing objects in the 3D world using the particle engine.

Object Properties

The xpFragmenter has two modes with different parameters: Faces (Objects and Polys) mode and Objects mode.


xpFragmenter Object tab, Faces (Objects) mode settings.


In all modes, xpFragmenter requires an emitter to work with.

Drag an emitter into this field to make the other parameters available.


Set as Faces (Objects), by default.

The alternatives are: Faces (Polys) and Objects.

Faces (Objects) mode

A one-polygon object will be generated from each face of the source object used in the emitter from which a particle is generated.

This mode generates multiple objects and can slow down playback, but each object can be individually scaled and rotated if required.

xpFragmenter_Faces Objects_Color.mp4

In this animation, the Mode is Faces (Objects), with Texture set to Use Particle Color. Each polygon, being its own object, is being shaded by the particle color in the viewport.

Faces (Polys) mode