Overview Video
The tfTerrain object is the starting point in creating a custom landscape; it should always be the parent object within a TerraformFX object hierarchy.
It evaluates operator objects, placed as its children, and generates terrain features as a result.
By default, a new tfTerrain object will automatically include three operators as its children: a tfNoise generator and both a tfErosionThermalWeathering and a tfErosionHydraulic filter.
This set-up gives you a helpful starting point for your terrain. However, these operators can be deleted in order to start from scratch.
There are separate pages explaining all of the operator parameters in full.
Start-up view for tfTerrain.
Object tab
This box is checked by default, giving the terrain color in the viewport.
This is determined by the gradient setting, which maps a gradient to either the Altitude or Slope values.
Unchecking it will disable the display mode making your terrain the default gray.
On the left-hand terrain, Display has been disabled. It is enabled on the right, with the color gradient applied.