tfGradient generates a height field, using either a radial, a linear, a square or a rectangular gradient, that can simply be placed via the operator object’s position.

The gain of the gradient can be increased manually, by using the yellow handle.

The radius can also be altered in the same way.


The effect of tfGradient operating on tfTerrain, with a material and a -Subtract Mode set in the Operator tab, driving the gradient.

Properties tab


There are five modes: Radial, Radial, ex-center, Linear, Square and Rectangular.


The mode is set at Radial, by default, which is a round gradient, as shown in the images above.


The same as above, but with an +Add Mode setting in the Operator tab.


Increasing or decreasing this scale will alter the radius of the gradient, as discussed above.

A value can also be manually input.
