tfErosionHydraulic simulates the realistic erosion of terrains by precipitation, using one of two modes.



Hydraulic (2D Particles) is a 2-dimensional simulation and is therefore a much quicker filter, using heightmap information.

Hydraulic (X-Particles) is a 3D particle simulation filter, allowing much more control, but taking longer to simulate.


The image on the right shows the immediate effect of tfErosionHydraulic - this is set in Hydraulic (2D Particles) - against the standard Thermal Weathering mode with a tfNoise operator.


This image shows the effect of tfErosionHydraulic on a Linear mode of the tfGradient filter.

Hydraulic (2D Particles) mode


Particle Count

You can decide how many particles you would like used in the scene.

By default, this Particle Count is set at 10000.