tfErosionCoastal simulates the realistic erosion of terrains through the coastal effects of waves.


The effects of tfErosion, set in the Coastal mode creating coastal cliff faces in the right-hand image, with the tfNoise operator.



This is set to Thermal Weathering Mode, by default.

The other Mode settings are: Hydraulic (2D Particles), Hydraulic (X-Particles), Coastal and Snow.

These other Mode settings are dealt with in more detail in their own dedicated pages.


Min Wave Height

Everything below this value will experience maximum erosion.

Above this value, erosion strength will decrease until the Max Wave Height is reached.

0 (zero) % correlates to the lowest point and 100% to the highest point of the terrain.

The Min Wave Height will only take effect when the Noise Blend setting is higher than 0 (zero) %.

Max Wave Height

Above this value, the terrain will not experience any erosion.

0 (zero) % correlates to the lowest point and 100% to the highest point of the terrain.


Animation to demonstrate the effects of the Min Wave Height and Max Wave Height sliders.

Noise Scale

A simple noise is used to apply local variation to the erosion effect.