Overview Video


The PBD (Position Based Dynamics) particle fluid simulation solver can be used along with other modifiers and dynamics objects, if you need small-scale, fast simulation.

Solver settings

Smoothing Radius

Blends each particle’s fluid properties with neighbouring particles.

At higher values, particles will influence more surrounding particles and animations will be smoother and less frenetic.

At lower values, particles will influence less of the surrounding particles, resulting in a much more choppy, fine-detailed fluid.


Animation to demonstrate increasing the Smoothing Radius from 100% to 200%, resulting in less clumping and a smoother liquid surface.


The numbers of steps per frame being solved.

Set at 3, by default, increasing this will make the solve more accurate.

This may be necessary for scenes with very fast-moving particles.


This animation shows a comparison of Substeps strengths, with 1 on the left and 10 on the right.