xpAvoid changes particle direction to avoid other objects in the scene. It can also be used to freeze and kill particles, once an object is detected.

Object tab


xpAvoid Object tab menu.


Scene objects dropped into this list will be avoided by particles.

They can be disabled by clicking the yellow check mark, turning it into a blue minus symbol.

When an object is dropped in and highlighted, a list of options will show below.

On Detection

Set as Change Direction, by default, this gives particles instruction on what to do when they detect a possible collision with an object in the Objects list (within the Detection Distance setting).

The alternative options are Freeze and Die.

Change Direction

The particle will change direction to avoid the object.


This animation shows the xpShatter object in the nxAvoid modifier. With On Detection set in the Change Direction mode, particles are avoiding the shatter object by the Detection Distance value of 100cm.


The particle will freeze.