mtSplineFX takes in multiple start and end objects of polygonal, spline and xpEmitter types and creates a variety of spline connections between them.

Object tab

mtSplineFX_UI Update_v01.png

Object tab User Interface (UI) menu options.

In order for mtSplineFX to function, both a start and and object is required.

Start Objects, End Objects

Drag and drop your polygon, spline or xpEmitter into these lists to create the start and end points.

Connection Type

Set as Origin, by default, select where on the object the start and end points will be generated.

The other options are: Points and Surface.


A single connection made at the center of the object.

mtSplineFX_Connection Type_Origin_v05.png

With a Connection Type of Origin, connections are generated from the axis points of the start end end objects (the Cube and the Sphere).