Every TerraformFX operator has this tab to manage its intensity and how the overall effects are blended with other operators on the terrain.

In addition, the Gain and Offset parameters can give you a global control over the amplitude and position of the results.


The Operator tab for the tfGradient operator.


This attribute is shared across all operator types.

The slider controls the intensity of the operator, blending the effects of the operator with the effects of any other operators that you have in the scene.

Setting it to 0 (zero) % will eliminate any effect the operator might have.

Setting it to 100% will show the full effect.


These three terrains have tfNoise and tfErosion operators applied, with different Blend values in the tfErosion Operator tab. The one on the left has 0 (zero) %, in the center there is 50% and, on the right, there is 100% Blend value.


Blend modes are only available for generators and are used to combine multiple generators for interesting effects.

The Mode is set at + Add, by default, but there is a range of different modes available.

Some of these are operator-position specific; this is explained in more detail below but, essentially, it can be important where they are placed in the Objects Manager hierarchy.


In the tfGradient Operator tab, the Mode is set to Add on the left and Subtract on the right-hand terrain, with clear effects.