Welcome to the pages for the X-Particles manual, where you will find some of the essential components from an artist’s toolkit, to help you build on your skills and support you through your 3D production.

This manual is being added to and updated, continually, and will be completed in due course.

We begin with the detailed xpEmitter pages, which will help you create particles and give you insights into emission and display settings.

For Modifier objects, we guide you through the Control modifiers of xpColor and xpKill and the Motion modifiers of xpAttractor, xpFollowSurface, xpGravity, xpScale, xpTurbulence and xpWind.

We have included a page for an important tag which enables particles to interact with other scene objects: the xpCollider Tag.

There are also pages for both the xpTrail and xpGenerator objects; these are used to generate scene objects and splines from particle simulations.

Other Generators featured are xpOpenVDBMesher and the object destruction tool xpShatter.

Along with these is a standalone page for the Question object, which works in conjunction with the Question tab of xpEmitter.

The manual includes pages for five Dynamic objects: xpConstraints, xpFlowField, xpFoam, xpFlock and xpFluidFX, all of which will give you exciting options for more complex particle scenes, like fluid simulations.

Bringing in the xpSystem will tidy up and organize your scene; we fully explain how to do this also.

The xpCache and the xpCache Tag pages clearly guide you through caching your X-Particles simulation and saving it to disk.

In addition, you will find a page for xpVertexMap and one for the X-Particles Project settings, an important and very useful element when working with Collisions, Fluids and Constraints objects.