Grid Monitor floating window.
Whilst Grid Monitor opens as a floating window, it can also be docked into the layout.
Grid Monitor docked into the Cinema 4D layout.
The Grid Monitor is, as the name suggests, purely for monitoring what goes on in your terrain setup.
The Grid Monitor can be opened via a command in the TerraformFX menu, or by clicking the new Open Monitor button in any operator's (or tfTerrain's) Preview tab.
When opened from an operator’s Preview tab, the Grid Monitor will automatically bring up the height map from that operator.
The Source parameter will then be available, to select between Altitude or Slope and Difference Map settings.
There are other sources that are operator-specific, such as the Control Grid source, which is available in the tfGrid operator or Erosion and Deposit sources that become available with the tfErosion operator.
In this example, from the tfErosion operator, the Source setting is Erode Map.
Note: The Link field in the Grid Monitor works with operators in the Objects Manager.
With Auto enabled, simply clicking on the item in the Objects Manager will display the relevant height map in the Grid Monitor.
Alternatively, you can click and drag the operator (or tfTerrain object) from the Objects Manager into the Link field.
Finally, the eye-dropper can be used to accomplish the same outcome.
Note: Grid Monitor is not available for tfRoad or tfRock.