The GradientUV Shader allows more complex coloring of your terrain without having to juggle multiple gradients and masks.

It enables the choice of four colors, which can then be mixed using any two of the terrain properties, like Altitude, Slope or even erosion deposits.

Our User Guide gives a full explanation on the operation of this shader and how it works.

It may enhance your understanding further if you consult this before reading the details on this page.

The GradientUV Shader can be accessed from any object that uses the Texture drop-down menu.

This could be a material channel, an X-Particles modifier or a node within a 3rd party render engine.


Menu access to the GradientUV Shader.


The 2D gradient enables the mixing of four colors.


The default 2D gradient, with its four color states: red, green, blue and cyan.

To change the default colors, simply click in a corner, and a color picker will appear.

Colour Edit_v02.png

This image illustrates the U and V axes, with a terrain textured using a GradientUV Shader, in its default settings.

Colour Edit_v01.png

In this second image, the default colors have each been changed.