Connection constraints are springs which are generated between particles. The springs can stretch, compress, and even break, and affect how the particles move.

This page deals with connections that are generated once, at particle birth.


Birth tab menu settings.

Connect at Birth

If enabled, this makes a connection between a particle when it is born and any other particle, subject to the settings such as Connection Limit and Radius.

xpConstraints_Connect at Birth_v01.mp4

In this animation, Connect at Birth is enabled, so particles are born connected to a maximum of 6 other particles, as per the Connection Limit setting.


This setting alters the influence each constraint type provides to the overall solution.

Only Born

If enabled, this only makes connections between particles born at the same time.

xpConstraints_Only Born_v01.mp4

Here, Only Born is enabled, with the same settings as above, so only particles born at the same time are connected.

Only Same Group

Connections will only be made between particles in the same group.