Terraform FX Commands menu.
Commands menu as a floating window.
By selecting more than one operator in the Objects Manager, this option will become available.
On clicking the button, the selected operators will become grouped as a child of the tfGroup operator.
For further instructions on the usage of the tfGroup operator, please consult the manual.
In this animation, set up of the Group Selected Operators function is demonstrated, followed by a restoration of the original setting, by clicking Resolve selected group.
Restores the original setting, should you have grouped individual operators, as described above.
By default, both Segments X and Segments Z are set at 500, in the Terrain Object.
This button will increase both settings in increments of 250.
Note: Holding SHIFT will change segments in steps of 100, holding CTRL, in steps of 500 and, holding both SHIFT and CTRL, in steps of 1000.
Animation to demonstrate the use and effect of the Increase Segments and Decrease Segments commands.
As above, both Segments X and Segments Z are set at 500, in the Terrain Object.
This button will decrease both settings in increments of 250, but this will not operate once segments are below 350.
Note: Holding SHIFT will change segments in steps of 100, holding CTRL, in steps of 500 and, holding both SHIFT and CTRL, in steps of 1000.
The blend Mode is visible in the Operator tab of the TerraformFX operator.
It is set at Add, by default.
Clicking this button will cycle the Mode setting to the next one in the menu, with the exception of Exclusion.
The order is: Normal / Add / Subtract / Difference / Phoenix Low / Phoenix High / Lowest / Highest / Multiply / Overlay / Negation / Screen / Soft Light / Hard Light.
This will then continue to scroll around from the start, going back to Normal.